Glasgow 850 events in Stirling
Scroll down to view the upcoming Glasgow 850 events taking place throughout Stirling or use the filters to narrow down the results.
Events in Stirling
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Glasgow 850 Events in East Renfrewshire
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Glasgow 850 Events in Edinburgh and the Lothians
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Glasgow 850 Events in Fife
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Glasgow 850 Events in Glasgow
Here's a selection of Glasgow 850 Events you can find over on our sister site, What's On Glasgow:
Twilight Tour: Signed, sealed, delivered - Glasgow 850 in seals
26th March 2025
Join Glasgow Life Museum's Curator Tony Lewis to explore the store at Kelvin Hall to view and touch a collections of Victorian copies of medieval seals recording Scottish and Glaswegian history.
Glasgow 850 Taste The Place
1st April 2025 - 30th April 2025
Taste the Place will provide the chance for locals and visitors to learn more about the history of Glasgow's hospitality scene by eating their way around the city!
Glasgow 850
1st January 2025 - 31st December 2025
2025 will be a big year for Glasgow as we celebrate the city's 850th birthday. It's a milestone and everyone who has or does call Glasgow home is invited to the party!
Glasgow 850 Events in Lanarkshire
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Glasgow 850 Events in Renfrewshire and Inverclyde
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Events in Other Areas
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Popular Events
Highlands-based songwriter Iona Lane, weaves ecology, conservation, islands and folklore into poetic songs and contemplative melodies. Catch her at the Tolbooth Stirling on 3rd July!
The annual Craft Fair returns on Saturday 29th March in Dunblane's Victoria Hall with a wide range of craftworkers from around the country!
Create your own magical wizarding wand with Caroline Moriarty at this hands-on session at Stirling Reuse Hub on 6th April!
Calling all football & journalism enthusiasts (ages 13-25). Join our Creative Youth Assembly group on 25th March as we welcome the incredible Hugh MacDonald, a local, well know football journalist!
Come and visit Falkirk Stadium Car Boot Sale, the biggest and best car boot sale in the region, every Sunday - weather permitting... all welcome!
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