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Theatre Events in East Renfrewshire
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Theatre Events in Edinburgh and the Lothians
Here's a selection of Theatre Events you can find over on our sister site, What's On Edinburgh:
FRIENDS! The Musical Parody
6th February 2026 - 7th February 2026
FRIENDS! The Musical Parody, the hit New York and Las Vegas sensation, is a side-splitting musical comedy packed with iconic moments from all ten seasons of the beloved television series!
Don't miss this brand new stand-up show from Angela Barnes, star of Mock The Week and Live at The Apollo, at The Albert Halls, Stirling on Thursday 2nd October!
Presented by Stirling’s Gossip Collective in partnership with emerging artists from across the world, Find Direction Home is an exhibition about belonging.
Dust off your air guitars for The Ultimate Classic Rock Show, an evening of the very best Classic Rock anthems from legends past and present at The Albert Halls in October!