Weddings Events in Stirling on 26 November 2026
Scroll down to view the events taking place in Stirling on the 26 November 2026, or use the filters to narrow down the results.
Events in Stirling
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Weddings Events in East Renfrewshire
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Weddings Events in Edinburgh and the Lothians
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Weddings Events in Fife
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Weddings Events in Glasgow
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Weddings Events in Lanarkshire
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Weddings Events in Renfrewshire and Inverclyde
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Events in Other Areas
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Popular Events
Come along and test your trivia knowledge to raise funds for mental health charity, Action in Mind, on Friday April 18th!
Presented by Stirling’s Gossip Collective in partnership with emerging artists from across the world, Find Direction Home is an exhibition about belonging.
Get your dancing shoes and your boogie boots on, for 6 hours of funky goodness from the "Bring It Back" Dj's at Stirling County Rugby Football Club on 5th April!
Join Lesley-Anne and Mary for an immersive journey of Story Telling, Yoga and a Guided Relaxation on Sunday 23rd March at The Yoga Tree in Stirling!
Josie Long is back with a new show about discovery, wonder, extinction and how to walk through a landscape of monstrous disaster. Catch her at the Tolbooth Stirling on Saturday 13th September!
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